PHE Testimonial for the Cryogatt Cryogenic RFID System
“The Rare and Imported Pathogen Laboratory (RIPL) of Public Health England (PHE), located at Porton Down UK, has installed the Cryogatt Cryogenic RFID sample archiving system to enable the electronic labelling, tracking and management of precious human sera stored in its RFID enabled vials for routine use within its laboratory. Storage is in temperatures down to -196°C. The Cryogatt system is now an integral part of the Quality Management System addressing a number of key considerations for successful laboratory accreditation ”
“After the success of this installation, we are now looking to introduce the Cryogatt RFID technology into other Laboratories”.
Laboratory Manager
Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory (RIPL)
PHE Porton Down
January 2018